High blood pressure can be a serious health problem.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common risk factor for heart disease and kidney disease and a host of other health problems.
Heart disease remains the number one killer of adults in the U.S. and one in four adults have high blood pressure as a health issue.
Some adults are aware of their high blood pressure and the health issues it can cause, and others are not.
High blood pressure can’t be cured, but it can be managed with medications, a healthy diet, and moderate exercise, among other things.
There are many things that a person who has high blood pressure can do.
One of them is to eat a healthy diet.
But what does a healthy diet mean?
Reduce the fat that you eat - Reduce your intake of fried foods. Grill, stew, bake instead.
Stick with unsaturated fats (Monounsaturated & Polyunsaturated). Studies have shown that these fats actually lower the LDL (the bad stuff) cholesterol and maintain HDL (the good stuff) cholesterol.
Start having low fat dairy product, i.e. 1% - 2% fat milk, cottage cheese, yogurts. Even try non-fat dairy products.
Reduce the sugar that you consume - have fruit juice sweetened foods and drinks instead.
Increase the amount of fiber that you consume - Have five helpings of fruit and vegatables each day.
Have wholegrain and/or fiber enriched breads.
Have wholegrain cereals (shredded wheat, bran flakes and oatmeal)
Limit your intake of salt - one way to do this is to use spices, herbs and salt-free seasoning blends in cooking and at the table.
A healthy diet is one that is low in calories and fat, because one way to lower high blood pressure naturally is to lose weight.
If a person maintains a healthy weight, they can often lower their blood pressure without the aid of medication.
A person who has high blood pressure who wishes to have better health should drink alcoholic beverages in moderation, or not at all.
Some experts have also suggested taking a dietary supplement that is rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium and fish oils.
These things can also be found in a healthy diet in varying amounts.
A person with high blood pressure should consult their doctor and then meet with a nutritionist to learn about the kind of diet and foods they should be eating.
Another thing to increase the overall health of a person with high blood pressure is for them to have an active lifestyle and increase their exercise and physical activity.
They should also learn stress management techniques, such as yoga, Tai Chi, or meditation, if they are the kind of person who gets stressed easily.
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